Peer Coaching

Cascade coaching through your organisation

Peer coaching (or co-coaching as it is sometimes called) makes use of the best learning resource an organisation has – its own people. It combines the benefits of coaching with the power of peer-to-peer learning and is a powerful mechanism for cascading core coaching skills throughout an entire organisation.

Peer coaching can take the form of coaching pairs (2 people who commit to meet regularly as coach and coachee) or coaching groups (groups of 4 or 5 people who meet monthly to engage in collaborative coaching processes).

When you takes managers out of the mix and get people coaching others at an equal level, coachees get all the support and insight they need without the risks of exposure or evaluation. 

Peer coaching groups and leadership development

By adding peer coaching groups to your leadership development programme leaders:

  • get access to regular coaching whilst simultaneously learning the skills to coach others

  • receive valuable support and feedback as they apply their new learning in their own teams

  • learn tools for collaboration and team work

  • develop their capacity to learn from experience

  • strengthen their network of learning relationships across the organisation.

Peer coaching groups can be established on day 1 of the programme and provide an extra layer of accountability and support for the duration of the learning process. 

Peer Coaching Training

NZCMC have a one day course that provides peer coaches with all the skills they need to build high quality coaching relationships and facilitate in depth coaching conversations with colleagues.

The Power of Peer Coaching – 7 tools for coaching & mentoring groups

NZCMC has developed a unique system for peer group coaching that enables groups to avoid the common pitfalls when coaching and harness the collective wisdom and experience within the group. Revealing issues and challenges in front of others takes courage but by using specifically designed tools, the group can establish the high levels of trust and synergy required for the coaching to be effective.