“Succeeding and thriving
through every stage of the CEO lifecycle”
Leadership coaching supports CEOs, MDs and country managers to harness their position for outstanding outcomes, to feel less isolated and to manage the demands of multiple stakeholders.
CEOs face difficult challenges alone, unable to share sensitive issues with colleagues or peers. Constantly drawn back to the day-to-day, CEOs need a regular sounding board to explore challenges and to raise the strategic bar for themselves and their organisation.
In a CEO coaching partnership you can:
Manage diverse demands and get more out of your board
Survive the usual imposter syndrome and avoid common CEO derailers
Lead difficult team members and prevent team breakdown
Have more strategic influence and grow a positive and effective culture
Work through your “why” and stay true to your values
Make your next career move count. Manage the transition to new roles. Find more meaning and direction in your work and leadership
We recognise the huge pressure that leaders are under:
Pressure to grow revenues in increasingly competitive and disrupted markets
Pressure to focus on strategy but being dragged into endless, everyday tasks
Pressure to stay true to values when work commitments leave little time for thinking
Pressure to work very long hours and missing the connection with family and health
What makes the burden especially onerous is the lack of clear answers: the very nature of disruption means that even the best, most prescient leaders will be steering their company into, and through, a fog of uncertainty” McKinsey 2017
What is clear from our decades of working with CEO’s is that the rules have changed. Much of what got results in the past is no longer so relevant. The best leaders are stepping out of “normal” ways of leading and radically redefining how results are achieved.
“Coaching with Loretta has been invaluable in helping me own the CEO role.
It has provided the space to reflect on challenges and determine the right strategy for our business.
I thoroughly recommend her.”
Contact Loretta Brown to discuss how coaching can support your role as CEO
Selected Testimonials
"Loretta's coaching provided an incredibly optimistic, stabilising influence. Loretta re-framed my perspective, she encouraged me to follow my dreams... go see Loretta!"
Craig Morrison | Ex CEO | Southern Cross Travel Insurance
"I have worked with Loretta and have found the time spent very beneficial. Loretta has also worked with some of my executive team and they too have gained real value. I have seen positive changes in strategic and leadership capacity as a result."
John Dalzell | Ex CEO | Auckland Waterfront
"Loretta is an exceptional executive coach. As a consequence of my conversations with Loretta I have been able to better appreciate and understand what I’ve needed to do to remain fresh, “at the top of my game” and performing, in a long term CE role."
Rob Warriner | CEO | Walsh Trust
"Every now and then, when you are in need of the right guidance, someone special steps into your path. If you are fortunate that person will clear away any of your confusion, encouraging a new clarity and purpose to emerge. I experienced that fortune following my recovery from cancer and job redundancy. I met Loretta and she connected with me immediately, drawing out my leadership qualities and mentoring skills. With care, she identified and then nurtured the very attributes I was about to call upon to launch my new career - mentoring. When it counted Loretta made the difference."
Martin Crowe | Former NZ Cricketer, leader and mentor
"I am incapable of describing what Loretta does as a coach, because her touch is deft and scarcely discernible - I suggest that is a measure of her skill. I am undoubtedly the CEO I became because of Loretta."
Stephen Carr | CEO | Trinity Schools Trust Board NZ
"I highly recommend Loretta. Having someone to talk to who could help me reflect on my leadership and plan approaches to some of the challenges I faced was hugely beneficial. As a new CEO I really appreciated her reassurances and guiding approach. Loretta had a great ability to help me unravel an issue to reveal the core components and then package it back up as a planned course of action."
Claudine Young | CEO | Canteen
“Coaching with Loretta has been very useful to help me own the CEO role. Coaching has provided the space to reflect on challenges and the right strategy for our business. I thoroughly recommend her.”
Arjit Bhana | CEO | Sysmex NZ
"Through my coaching conversations with Loretta over a year, I have increased my strategic capacity and am now able to work effectively in much larger roles."
Max Murray | Country Lead | Origin Energy NZ
New Zealand Country Managers face unique challenges
New Zealand Country Managers who run NZ operations with head offices offshore. face unique challenges. They are often isolated and yet still bound to multinational bureaucracy, policies and reporting requirements. There can be too much interference with low mandate for decision making in NZ. There might be little support and NZ is left to operate in a leadership vacuum.
New Zealand Country Managers are often highly successful in achieving results in the NZ environment and the NZ results can sometimes be found to be propping up results for the wider group. And yet recognition and support is low. Country Managers also face challenges aligning staff who have matrix reporting for staff with dotted line and full reporting to teams offshore.
Getting support in a coaching partnership in New Zealand can make the difference to reduce stress and to help a NZ country manager work out what is the right mix of collaboration and independence. Work with Loretta who is experienced with NZ country manager challenges within every sector.

CEO Leadership Coaching Partnership case studies
This is Matthew's first CEO position and he has been in the role for 18 months. Respected by his team and across the industry, Matthew had got off to a flying start. But lately he has been questioning some of his decisions and has started getting stronger steerage from the board about the direction for the organisation.
On top of this, Matthew is flat out every week and into most weekends. His team is good but he feels they have not been stepping up where they are most needed. He feels tired and has found that his thinking has become foggy at times. For the first time Matthew has started experiencing mild panic attacks when the pressure is on. This was the catalyst for Matthew to initiate coaching for himself.
Matthew engaged Loretta as his coach and quickly embarked on a series of conversations where he outlined his situation. As he explained things to Loretta, Matthew realised he felt clearer and things began to occur to him that he hadn't seen before. The chance to step back from the daily tasks allowed Mark to regain the overview picture for his work and quickly identify gaps in his team.
Over the next few months Matthew used Loretta to maintain this expanded perspective. He learnt how to get more from his team by stepping back and focusing on building their capacity. With renewed energy Matthew was able to advocate direction with the board and re-establish their trust and respect.
Tony felt the pressure to perform right from day one in his CEO role. He had been a CEO before but this role was with the biggest and most complex group to date. He was highly visible in his new role and the business was extremely fast paced with demands from every direction – government, regulators, shareholders, the board, major customers, key suppliers and employees. Tony was coping, but only just. He knew he needed to work differently if he was to sustain this pace.
With Loretta he learnt new ways of working at this level of complexity and also the resilience tools to harness his energy and feel like he was enjoying life more.